Friday, February 19, 2010

Attractive / Repulsive



1 comment:

  1. For my first repulsive I took a picture of a cop car because in my opinion I find it repulsive. I blurred out some of the background and the sign thats in the top left corner so you couldn't read what it said. Also, I darkened the picture to give the car a bigger effect.

    The second repulsive picture represents homework. I tried to make the writing on the paper clear and bring out the color in her fingernails.

    My first attractive picture is of a butterfly that I found attractive because of how it was sitting on the leaf and the position the butterfly was in. I tried to blur the background and emphasize the orange in its wings.

    I thought the last picture was attractive because I liked how the colors contrasted with the white snow and the dark river. I didn't do much to edit the picture besides emphasize the color differences.
